Thursday, July 23, 2009

Faith, Honor and Committment

Some personal situations lately have kept these topics at the forefront of my thinking the past month or so.

Faith can be whatever a person wants it to be. I'm not arrogant enough to tell other folks that my personal beliefs are the only way to get to Heaven, and that if they don't change their ways, they're certainly going to Hell. And I don't think the good Lord thinks that way either. This probably puts me in a minority, but its a minority I am very secure and comfortable in.

Honor and Committment are another matter entirely. They are much more black and white - you either are or you're not. Being a man or woman of honor is not a self-bestowed title. Rather it is one you have to work at every day, with everyone you come in contact with, for it is they who will determine this. You will always know if your words, deeds or actions are honorable; you will know if you are a person of committment and if you keep your committments.

These are things I find myself having to work very hard at, on a daily basis, but I like the person I am becoming better than the person I used to be, although that is not a universally accepted opinion. But I can live with that.

Y'all take care of yourselves - I'm gonna hunker down at the fire for some coffee and supper. See ya down the trail..........

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