Friday, May 22, 2009


In my recent (past 2-3 years) dreams, I'm a down-on-his-luck, modern times cowboy, riding from ranch to ranch, small town to small town, getting along as best I can. In the Old West, this was called grub-line riding, and a cowpoke out of a job could ride his horse from outfit to outfit - doing odd jobs and getting a meal for himself, feed for his horse and maybe a night in the bunkhouse if he was lucky, otherwise he'd sleep in the barn that night. I think it may still be possible to live this way (on a temporary basis) today. 

You have to understand that real folks haven't changed that much in the past 150 years. Many still think that a man's word is his bond and that no written contract can provide more security than a good man's handshake.

If you don't understand this, find a cowboy or cowgirl and get to know them, or just hang around here every now and then and I'll try to explain as we go along.

Time now to shuck the boots and braces and try to get some shuteye before its time to do it all again tomorrow. See y'all on down the trail.............

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